2018 Arm Intern Innovation Challenge

During my summer internship at Arm this summer, I had the opportunity to participate in the Intern Innovation Challenge, a competition between Arm interns worldwide. This contest, - in partnership with UNICEF - presented us with a challenge to solve in two-weeks time, by team of 5.

This year, the challenge was to help Colombia government detect locations in dire need of health and scholar infrastructures. Each team had thus to develop an application enabling the user to visualize easily the data extracted from shape files - specific coordinates file format - and display information as the nearest health facility in a radius of X kilometers.

For our submission, we used JavaFX and an online hosted PostGreSQL database to try and solve this challenge. I was personally responsible for the SQL related functionalities and one of the application feature : coverage analysis. This feature enabled the user to color each state of Colombia according to the average distance in between a school and its nearest health facility.


This challenge was an amazing opportunity to work with interns from other places but also tests our skills at designing a simple solution to a real world problem and implement it within short delays while still keeping up with work.

Results :

Our work was evaluated by a jury of Arm Software Engineers and UNICEF Innovation team members and we actually won this year contest !

Full project can be seen on Github